Thursday, July 15, 2010

Garden Bloggers' Bloomday...July 2010

Well, after a cooler and wetter than normal June, we've come around to 'Real Summer', here in Central Texas.  The heat has set in.

Things are looking pretty good, though.  The sweet potato basket on the front fence, is growing nicely.

With a little pop of color from some purslane.

'Happy Returns'

Some of the daylilies are doing well.  Some, will have to be moved this fall.  Just not enough light for them where they are.
'Pardon Me'

The Impatiens like the shortage of sun.

As do, these a hanging basket, too high for deer nibblers.

These do fine with some mid-day sun.

This bed gets some of that mid-day sun, too.  The Pineapple sage seems to like it here.  I hope it gives us lots of blooms this fall.

The Bougainvillea sits on the rail above.  Doesn't that bloom look like a big piece of watermelon?

The Candy Lily is beginning to give us some blooms.

Red Salvia greggii, is blooming.  I need to cut this one back, for more fall blooms.

Red Salvia coccinea has lots of blooms.  The coral coccinea is between blooms, right now.

This Plectanthus Lavender Mona lived in the guest room all winter.  She seems to be happy, in her new spot.

I took several cutting of this, which rooted very easily.  None are as happy as this one, though.

Rudbeckia Goldsturm

The Black Eyed Susan is starting to bloom.  It didn't get much chance last year, outside the fence.

And, I finally have a Purple Coneflower.  I gave up on my seed, and just bought a transplant.

I have these Periwinkles scattered around the garden...inside and outside the fence.  The deer generally leave them alone.  And, there are not many blooms, you can say that about.  They ate the blooms off my Butterfly Weed....grrrr...

The Thryallis is putting on a lot of blooms.  I babied this plant a LOT over our hard winter.  I think it's saying 'Thank you'.

This morning glory just showed up in the fenced yard.  It looks suspiciously like one that took over my old garden.  Maybe a stray seed made it down here.  It didn't show up last year, though.

I had a few okra seeds left in a package.  I planted them in a flower bed.  They make pretty plants.
This one is about to give us a bloom.  They're way behind in height, for this time of year.  That could be the lack of sun, as well.

Out in the veggie garden, the cucumbers are still blooming. 

A red verbena, in a basket on the fence, is putting on some blooms.

I planted a package of Zinnia seed that called itself 'mixed'

And, that's what I got.  They make nice cut flowers for the house.  But, next time, I might be more picky.

Despite the rain we had last week, things had dried out enough to need the sprinkler.  I'm afraid that will be the pattern for a while.  After all....summer's finally here.

What's blooming in your garden?  If you want to see other Bloomday posts, go over to Carol's at May Dreams Garden.

Happy Gardening...



  1. Beautiful photos. I love the green in the centre of pardon me.


  2. Lovely photos. I must remember to find a candy lily - they are very pretty.

  3. Lots of pretty blooms going on at your house! I love your potato vine and purslane along your fence.
    I planted pineapple sage for the first time this spring. Yours looks very healthy. That Lavender Mona is VERY pretty! I'm going to have to look for that one.
    Also, thank you for your nice comment on my birthday post. I get a lot of ideas from your blog, as well. :)

  4. Hi Linda,
    You have lots of pretty blooms going on in your garden and I like the way you've captured them to share with us. We have many of the same plants here and it is definitely mid-summer with the heat.

    Thank you for visiting my blog and leaving your kind comment.

  5. What beautiful pictures! Lots more blooming in your garden than mine. I must explore candy lilies. A KLRU friend gave me a couple but various construction issues kaboshed them. Yours are so lovely that I'm going to hunt for some. Beautiful bloom day!


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