And, we're pretty cold here, today.
But, maybe this cold front it Winter's last hurrah.
We just got back from a trip.
Did you miss us?
And, we came home to this.
I've been making some progress.
But, still LOTS more to clean up.
And, because the last Halloween Flood washed away all the mulch,
there will be that job to do, too.
Still...the plants are doing pretty well.
We even have some blooms.
Mexican Honeysuckle
Pansies, Primrose and 'Mushrooms'
Unknown Irises
It's these beauties, that make me keep on working in the garden,
instead of throwing in the towel.
Today is supposed to be cool, but the sun is shining
and it's beautiful out there.
Hope your first day of Spring is just as beautiful.
Now...back to the weeding.....
Happy Gardening...