Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Sweet Tooth....

These little Titmouse juveniles, like to hang out on this hummingbird feeder.

By the way...if you have two of these, are they Titmice...Titmouses?  What?

We thought maybe they were after ants.  Or maybe dipping into the well of water that supposed to keep the ants out of the food.

But, they stick their beaks in the feeding holes.

Who knew what a sweet tooth a Titmouse has?

Happy Gardening...


  1. Great photos! I've seen Woodpeckers and Red House Finches on mine. Did you get a chance to go to ARE on last time? So sad that they closed.

    1. Our woodpeckers love the hummingbird feeders, too.

  2. Omgosh! That is the cutest thing ever and you got such great shots! They are so fast and skittish! Who knew, indeed.

    1. They are skittish. We sit in the yard chairs and can sometimes get a good shot. They were more interested in the sugar water than us.

  3. Cute! The only birds I've had at my hummingbird feeder are the hummingbirds. now I"m jealous.

    1. The Hummers fight each other a lot here. We have more than one feeder. There's plenty to go around.

  4. That's funny, but they are enjoying the sugar. At least until an angry hummer w/ attitude problems comes by! I just checked out 2 bird books I have to see if your's is what I last saw here a few years ago...not sure. Ours is the Juniper Titmouse, more gray and not blue like yours - is your's the Black Crested Titmouse?

    1. I think ours are Tufted Titmouse...mouses? mice?


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