Sunday, August 7, 2011

A Different Point of View....

Our neighbors probably think we're crazy.  And...they're probably right.
We like the matter the weather.
So, when Mr P gets off work for the day (he works from home), we go sit outside....
a bit later, these hot days.
The porch is still a bit sunny, so we start in the yard.

Out here we have a view of the fenced yard.  That patch of green grass won't be that way long, if we don't get rain.  Our new water restrictions mean no grass watering.....sad.  It's our only grass.

When the sun gets off the porch, we move up there.  I usually sit in that rocker, looking out toward the cart path.  But, summer means sitting in the chair by the table.

It's right under the fan.  And, I have a whole different point of view.

I look out toward the swing and Elli's meadow.

Across the deck and over to Elli's yard.

A view that gives some color, with some of the few blooms out here.

Also, the trees in Elli's yard have a pretty glow to them in early evening.

They take on a painterly feel.  I played around with some textures on this shot, over on my photo blog

No matter how warm it gets, Mr Fishing Frog never breaks a sweat.

It's warm, but the fan stirs the air and cools us off.  A cold beverage and some music and we're fine.

Then again, we might just be crazy.

Stay cool...Pray for rain.

Happy Gardening...

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