Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Wordless Wednesday....Garden Helper


  1. This looks like a pretty good garden helper. Is there a name to go with that cute face?

  2. Yes,this is Maggie Mae. She's always checking things out in the dirt.
    I think everyone should have a white dog. It keeps you from running out of things to do..haha...
    I hope we've come to terms on whether she should bring me the ones I just planted.
    Wish me luck.

  3. Hey! Thank you for the Fav, I wish I knew how to send a message or even pick fav's on Blotanical...I accidently did it once a few months back...but can't remember how I did it! My daughters call me "techno-Amish" because I can barely navigate the internet and still prefer to have one of them just do it for me!

    Nice wordless wednesday...only you gave it a title! Which is words! ha! I like rule breakers!

    Have a great day, and again...thank you for the FAV!

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