Thursday, February 21, 2013

No..This Is Not Here...

About this time last year, our daughter and her family
moved from northern North Dakota, to southern Kansas.

We were thrilled.  Hours and hours closer to us.

We'd get to see them more often.

And, they were loving the warmer, less snowy weather.
The high was 19F, in their North Dakota town, the day this picture was made in Kansas. 

But, if you're seven, and you've had snow almost every winter you can remember,
you sometimes miss it.

So, a couple weeks ago...if the teacher gives you an assignment for
reading tell everybody your wish.

Uh....guess wishes do work sometimes.

Those North Dakota supplies sure come in handy.
I think our son-in-law might win most popular on the block.

One neighbor has already brought over cookies.

Does this fall in the 'Be careful what you wish for.' category?


Oh, by the's 75F, here at Patchwork Garden.

Happy Gardening...

All photos courtesy of that Kansas group.

Monday, February 18, 2013

Under the Big Top....

Well...not really The Big Top.
At the Natural Gardener, in Austin, they call it
The Revival Tent.
It's the place where speakers come, to give advice
on how to handle the challenges (and, there are many)
of gardening in our part of the world.

Saturday was the day for Pam Penick from Digging,
to present her brand new book,
Lawn Gone.

It's full of information, design renderings, and ideas for turning your
water guzzling lawn, into a drought resistant, inviting garden.

There was a good crowd.....standing room only...for Pam's informative
talk, about techniques and plants to use for the transformation.

There are plant recommendations for different regions in the book.

She displayed several different plants.
Then, there was a question and answer period.

Afterward, a line formed with people who wanted their copies signed by the author.

I was finally lucky enough to meet several local garden bloggers.
No pictures, unfortunately.  Too busy talking.
But, it was good to put in-person faces, to the blogs I read so often.

It was a beautiful day.

This is a great place to visit, even if you're not shopping for plants.

Of course, who can go there without buying plants?
My time was limited.  So, my shopping was limited as well.

Now, I'm off to read Lawn Gone.....again.

Congratulations, Pam.
A very good job.

Happy Gardening...

Wednesday, February 13, 2013


Like children....

.....this is when they're most like angels.

Don't be fooled, though.  Note the perked ears.

It's cool.  But, the sun's out.
Time to get out there and do more work.

Happy Gardening...

Monday, February 11, 2013

A Chance of Rain....

The rumble of thunder woke us up this morning.
We'd had a chilly mist, most of the weekend.

But, when I went out for the paper, there was no rain coming down.

Soon, there was sun, slanting across the golf course.

Drats!  Had it missed us?  Again?

Then, the clouds and rumbles came back.


It seems to be coming through in waves.  Not much.  We won't get TOO excited.
But, we haven't had rain here at Patchwork Garden, for weeks.

We'll all just hunker down, and be glad for what we get.

Hope you're getting the weather you want.

Happy Gardening...

Friday, February 1, 2013

Blue Skies.....

....Nothin' but Blue Skies, do I see.

It's been clear and cold....well, cool..the last few days.
I think I'd like cloudy and rainy.  But, you get what you get.

Yesterday, on the way to yet another grandkid basketball game, 
we saw this sky.

I'm very seldom without the camera. (Annoys the family, but they'll get over it.)

No clouds.  Just vapor trails from jet planes.

Some looked like a giant hand had combed them.

Then, this morning, when I went out for the paper...this moon greeted me.

So, back inside for the camera.

Got a couple good shots.


I use Photoscape to edit.
Just hitting the 'auto contrast' edit really changed the color of the sky.

I think I like both.

I'm linking up this week to  

Have a great weekend...