Sunday, May 22, 2011

The Best Laid Plans....

Sometimes, no matter how carefully you plan, things just don't work out.

I worked really hard in the garden, the week before Mother's Day.  I laid LOTS of mulch, and did some more planting.  I wanted it all done that week.

I had plans...

That Friday evening, I was really feeling tired...and not so good.  But, after all..I'd worked really hard.

On Saturday, not feeling much better.  But, I had plans. 
We had tickets for the
Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center
Gardens on Tour.

I'm a bit hard headed...can't let a little feeling bad get in the way.

We enjoyed the many landscaped gardens.  Loved the hardscaping.

Our final stop was the Wildflower Center.  The baby owls enjoyed watching us, as much as we enjoyed them.

The Wildflower Center was it's beautiful self and daughter-in-law, two granddaughters and I...had a great time.

I was dragging by evening. 

Next day, still feeling under par... but went to our son's for a nice Mother's Day dinner.

After a pretty bad night of feeling bad, I awoke with no fever and feeling good enough to travel.  I was headed for the annual 'girls' trip.  We were going to a Florida beach.

I had plans.  And, being hard headed...I wasn't going to let a little feeling bad to get in the way.

Our house was right on the beach.  This porch looked like the perfect place to rest and recuperate.

We even got in our annual group picture.  This is right before they took me back to the airport.

Back home...a trip to the doctor...some imaging and diagnosing..
Seems I have pneumonia!
One minute, I'm spreading mulch..the next minute, sick!  No fair warning!!

And, I had plans.  The Travis County Master Gardeners Inside Austin Garden Tour was coming up.
I hope those same gardens are on tour again sometime.

Because, no amount of hard headedness was going to let me go to that.

There won't be much gardening going on here for a while.  Mr P is taking good care of things.  Even if I felt up to working...and, this stuff knocks you down... Mr P would kill me. 

I might have to tone down some hard headed ways.   Hard lessons are the ones we learn the best.

Hope all your plans are working out.

Happy Gardening...

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