So, here I am a day late with my Bloomday post. My daddy always said I was a day late and a dollar short. That would be me. And....I start off with something that isn't even a bloom. But, you have to admit, these leaves are quite pretty. Those trees are along the creek that runs behind and beside our house. A view from the guest room and our bathroom.
So, I guess I better show you some 'blooms'. There are the old standbys.

Indigo Spires Salvia
Purple Heart with ornamental sweet potato...and the ever present elm leaves.
The pink Turq's Cap is in the ground, and has put on some new blooms.
This basket of Impatients a disappointment all summer. I could not get it to bloom, and it looked like it was dying. So, I set it to the side and forgot about it. Now, it's blooming its heart out and hanging in the Texas Persimmon tree. Just in time for our expected first freeze. I'll take it down and protect it.
And, this Kolanchoe that my neighbor gave us last year, has just set around all summer. Now, it has buds on it. Another one to protect.
I put some yellow violas in the window box on the shelf outside the kitchen window.
And, some more beside the rock drain/stream, along with some of theses Dianthus.
I OHed and AHed so much over the Thryallis at the Inside Austin Garden Tour last month, that my son and his family gave me one for my birthday.
I love this plant.
Another one that I saw these at one of the houses on the tour. It's Plectanthus Mona. I think it might have to be protected, so I haven't planted it, yet.
Some other things haven't made it into the ground, yet. I have to dig beds for some of them.
Blackfoot daisy
Orange Esparanza...the yellow will be moved inside the fence with it. I'm tired of it being 'trimmed' by the deer. The orange one I got back in the spring, is living in my daughter-in-law's garden...away from the deer.
Heuchera....not sure what variety. The tag just said heuchera.
The sign said 'asters'....but, I think these are Narrow Leaf Zinnias. I know it's at the end of their season, but maybe I can keep them going until I can get some seed for next year.
There are other things blooming...some periwinkles, and autumn sage and yellow lantana. And, some things are looking good in the veggie garden. I'll need to protect some of that stuff, too.
And, I got this pretty pink, ruffly Cyclamen to put on the porch. That's our neighbor's cat, Willow, checking things out.
I've been getting lots of garden help, lately.
Thanks to Carol at May Dreams Garden for putting Bloomday together.
Hope you had a great Garden Bloggers Bloomday.
Hope you had a great Garden Bloggers Bloomday.
Lots of pretties at your place for Bloom Day.
ReplyDeleteI love cyclamen. They're not usually available here until around Valentine's day. I always try to find a fragrant one.
We have a lot of the same plants and I see some I would like to have! I love the one you got for your birthday. I will have to write that one down to remember. Pretty photos and I see you have the same kind of help that I do :)
ReplyDeleteEverything still looks so good! I just can't believe how long your season is in TX. I am uber jealous.
ReplyDeleteBut I am happy for you, as well and I am loving your blooms and your neighbor's kitty. Sweet!
Oh, I love Blackfoot Daisy! And my sister has some thryallis in her garden in Houston that is just outstanding. It blooms constantly. I love your photos from your previous post of the Blanco River. It's such a gorgeous area.
ReplyDeleteGorgeous flowers, and sweet furry things too. Everything looks lovely, especially the thryallis. And the purple heart! Happy GBBD!
ReplyDeleteIt all looked so darn good, not to mention tidy. I really enjoyed your blue flowers. We have been having rain and wind for weeks now and everything is covered in some kind of wet leaf or other. So not tidy. Thank you for that little bit of pretty color in my day. A great pick me up!
ReplyDeleteThanks everybody for dropping by. Most of what you saw, is inside the fenced yard. We still have trouble with the deer chomping all those 'deer resistant' things. That fenced area is going to get crowded. I just hope the things will do well. There's a lot of shade there.
ReplyDeleteI really love the Thryallis. It needs sun. Just hope it gets enough in that corner.
And, as for tidy, LeSan...look'll see all those Cedar Elm leaves. They come down in the fall, and then, the Live Oaks drop their leaves in the spring. It's year round leaf clean-up, here.