Friday, June 1, 2012


Just a little recap of a busy month of 

And, it really was a busy month...from start to finish.

**We started the month with a brand new bed, on the back of the house.
**Finished up the mulching.

**Told you about the San Antonio Mission Trail.

**Had some blooms and foliage to show you.

**Greeted a new crop of deer. 

**Took you along on the annual 'girls' trip.

One thing I didn't post about, but it was a very important event.
See those two beautiful young people, in the lower right of the collage above?


Just in case you can't see them very well...

 They're our twin, oldest grandchildren.

And now, they are both college graduates.

I can't tell you how very proud we are of them.

May was a very good month.

Now, on to June....

Have a Great Weekend...


  1. Very nice month for you. Now, on to June...*heat*!

  2. How sweet, congratulations to your grandchildren. What an accomplishment and your children must be thrilled with their 'raise'! We're now one semester down and seven to go...oh, my!

  3. Y'all had lots of fun there, the river looks good even though it is still down a bit.

    Congratulations to the grandkids. My twin niece and nephew are the same age. He graduated this spring and she took a semester off so she'll finish in December.

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