Sunday, November 13, 2011

30 Day Challenge~~Thanksgiving~~Days 13...

Cat, at The Whimsical Gardener, has challenged us to a 30 Day Challenge of Thanksgiving.
A post a day, for 30 days, to celebrate the things we are thankful for, in our lives.

~~Day 13~~

Can I be thankful for the same things twice?
I told you on Day 10 about winning a gift certificate from Shoal Creek Nursery.
I've been asked what I got.

So, today I'm thankful... all over again...for what I got.

The above three gallon size Yucca rostrata.

Another three gallon of Salvia greggii, Hot Lips..I think.  No tag on this one.
And, this tray of goodies.  Pansies, snapdragons, lamb's ear and a gallon sized foxtail fern.

The three gallon plants will go in the soon-to-be remodeled front 'Island Bed'....the bed inside the curve of the front driveway.  I'll need much more...but that will come later.
I've been promised the ground cover in that bed will be gone by Thanksgiving.

The tray of goodies will be spread around in containers. 
The lamb's ear will replace some lost this summer.

So, it's time to get out there and get the containers planted....the lamb's ear in the ground.
I'm thankful today is going to be a good day to garden.

Hope you're having a great day, too.



  1. Those are great choices Linda. Thanks for showing them. Of course you can go with the same thing twice.

    Marooned by an expanse of driveway and sidewalk, the island bed is a big challenge.

  2. Very cool new plants - may the deer disagree and go elsewhere!

  3. That's a really nice Yucca. Lots of goodies on your trolley. Glad you had fun.

  4. The yucca is going to be a beautiful, eye catching addition to your island bed. The way they move in the breeze always brings me a little grin.


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