I love the way the creek looks, and sounds, when the water is flowing.
The problem is, sometimes that will only happen
if we have a TON
of rain.
Just like two years ago on Halloween,
we had a lot of water come through here.
We had taken a quick trip. So we weren't home.
Our neighbor showed us a video she took, and the
amount of water was mind boggling.
We have these water barriers. You fill them with water,
and they settle down like sand bags.
Well, too much water can pick it up and toss it to the side.
And, twist it like balloon art.
And, allow that water to get into the garage.
It only came up half way on the front porch.
Didn't get through the door.
It piled up debris against the fence and gate.
Which backed it up against the garage wall.
I've taken ten cart loads of this out of just this area.
It washed out mulch, dug up a couple of new plants,
and knocked down the wall in the Grass Bed.
The power of water is just amazing.
But, the land is already responding.
We had rain the weekend before, too.
It doesn't take long to turn dry and crispy into green.
Not to mention this always seems to happen right after they
overseed the golf course for winter.
So, more grass to pull up.
The trampled and almost washed away wild onions, are already sprouting.
They must have strong toes.
Each time this happens, it changes the bed of the creek.
Look closely...see the deer watching?
We'll clean up and keep going.
After all...it's still a beautiful place.
Foggy mornings are pretty here.
It's mostly quiet and calm.
And, we like the view.
Even through the bathroom window.
We just need to watch out for scary Halloween weather.
Hope you're safe and happy, where you are.
Happy Gardening...