I posted this in August of 2009. That was another long, hot, dry summer.
I think it applies this year, again.
We're already 37 days over 100. Could break the record this time.
We're hot here. But, most of us are prepared.
Other areas of the country are suffering through hot and humid weather....without the help from the wonderful invention of this man.
So....once again....
Who, you say, is this handsome gentleman?
His name was Willis Haviland Carrier. And, I want to thank him. He's known as the inventor of modern day air conditioning.
How on earth, did people survive this withering heat before air conditioning?
There are others who did some inventing of air conditioned air and refrigeration. But, this man was the most influential. He was awarded a patent for his invention...which he called "an apparatus for treating air"...way back in 1906. It was mostly used back then in large buildings, like banks and theaters.
But now, it's everywhere. And, we're ALL grateful to him for getting the ball rolling.
We're 58 days of over 100 degrees here in Central Texas (2009), and counting.
So, let's hear it for the man.
Thank you, Mr. Carrier. Thank you.
Stay cool.
Happy Gardening...