I've been reading a lot of the garden blogs online. Many participate in the Bloom Day, on the 15th of each month. This was started by
Carol at Maydreams Gardens, to show what's blooming at the middle of the month.
I was looking forward to my first Bloom Day blog, but I was gone on a fun trip to Florida on the 15th, so hope it's ok to do this three days late.
For a "new" garden, I seem to have a lot of blooms.
A bright fucia Autumn Sage, salvia greggii, that came with the house.
Indigo Spires salvia, moved from the old house.

A soft coral Impatient....on the porch, where the deer can't get to it.

Another bright fucia....a Geranium....likewise on the porch.

Purple Heart,
setcreasea pallida. Deer love this....so, on the porch.
capensis. I've read these are "deer resistant"...but, I don't trust it....so, this is on the porch, too. It's good we have a big porch....

That fantastic Gaillardia.
More fucia, in a Calibrachoa, Superbells.
Yellow Lantana, that came with the house.
A pale yellow day lily called So Lovely. It is, isn't it.

Another, even paler yellow daylily, called Miss Amelia.
And, my beautiful Phalaenopsis orchid. A Mother's Day gift a few years back, it gives us a lovely, long showing each year. Not actually in the garden, but close enough.
And, finally, I know this isn't a bloom...but it came from one. Our first harvest from the veggie garden. This will be great tonight, roasted on the grill.
There are other things blooming. We're on water restriction already, so that will make extra work. The inch of rain we had Saturday surely helped. Maybe we'll be lucky, and get more soon.
Hope your Bloom Day was as nice as mine.
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