Dusty Miller
The weather lately, has been pretty hard on plants, here in Central Texas. We’ve had record lows. And, the highs have been a lot lower than normal…..for days.
Where there aren’t many blooms around here, there is foliage, still hanging in there.
Above is Dusty Miller. It’s a good stand by, for this part of the country. No effects from the cold…held up in the drought and heat of the summer……and, the deer don’t like it.
Good old Texas Sage, cenizo. This is a small volunteer. I’ll be moving it somewhere else soon.

Jerusalem Sage,
Phlomis fruticosa. This is another grayish leaf, with a fuzzy texture, so the deer don’t like it. It doesn’t seem to be fazed by the cold, and the heat didn’t hurt it, either. There will be more of this planted this spring.
Red Yucca,
Hesperaloe parviflora. This is another tough plant. The deer don’t like it, but they kept pulling these up. They finally took hold. I like the foliage….which is good. As I understand it, the deer will eat the red blooms.
The Nandina is about as tough as you can get. Some consider them invasive….but, as I’ve said before, I like them.
I think this is Vinca Major. It’s a ground cover that was here when we got here. I’m not wild about ground covers. They tend to take over. But, this one is green, even after our 8 degree temperature.
Out in the deer grove, the daffodils from last year are up and looking nice and green. No buds, no blooms. Well…there was one bloom, and a bud that froze. I’m actually surprised they lived through the drought last summer. Maybe I need to feed them, this year.
Also, out in the deer grove are several twisted leaf yuccas. I’m thinking of trying to transplant some of these into the garden. They get lost in the grasses, that grow out here.
I may also try moving a prickly pear or two. They get covered with grass, too. And, they don’t get much sun out here. I can always use more plants.
Mahonia trifoliolata, is another tough, native plant. I understand it doesn’t like to be transplanted. It makes a nice shrub, with yellow blooms in spring and red berries. These didn’t have either, this last year. Maybe not enough sun….or, too little rain. I might try moving a tiny one, and see what happens.
Over in the fenced veggie garden, the Swiss Chard is doing pretty well. I planted it too early. The very cold nights we’ve had set it back some. But, it’s coming along.
Daylilies are peeking up. This one is supposed to be evergreen. That might be in less frigid winters. All the daylilies will get moved to the fenced yard. That’ll leave more room for veggies.
Looking outside, there seems to be a lot of green. I know a lot of the country is under a layer of snow. In fact, I heard just the other day, there was snow in 49 of the 50 states.
The DFW storm dropped a record amount of snow….12.5 inches!! Our former neighbor up there, sent a picture of the view from her front yard, to our old house, in the snow. Thanks, Rose.
I would have loved to see it in person….but, this green is pretty nice.
Pam at Digging, is the inspiration for The Foliage Follow-Up. Go over to her place and see what other gardeners are showing.
Stay warm.