Thanks to Carol at
May Dreams Gardens , garden bloogers around the world celebrate what is blooming in their gardens at the middle of each month.
Here in Central Texas, the heat and drought has taken it's toll on many of the plants that might be giving us a show this time of year. With a lot of work to keep things alive, here's what's blooming in my garden.
A pretty pink begonia in the shade on the porch.
A yellow bulbine keeps hanging in there, again on the porch, out of reach of the deer.
A bright pink calibrachoa, in a hanging basket on the garden fence. The deer don't bother this.

Bright hot orange and yellow of a gaillardia.

A new hanging basket of landmark lantana. Love those little pompom blooms.
Mexican oregano....
A coral periwinkle, to replace the chomped gazania.
A white periwinkle, to replace the chomped gerbera daisy. Deer don't seem to like periwinkles.
The cool blues of a plumbago.
Soft pink upright ruellia.
Bright red, heat loving verbena.
And, last, but not least...
Candy Lily, pardancanda norissii, from the old house. This is another plant the deer haven't touched. It's from the iris family. The bloom is only a couple of inches across, and only lasts one day. It blooms much better if deadheaded each day.
So, that's it from this garden in the central part of Texas. What's blooming in your part of the world?