Sometimes, living in Central Texas is like riding a weather roller coaster. One day, you're in shorts....then a 'cold front' comes through. There's a freeze, or a frost and ZAP!....there goes your plants. Then, you're back in shorts again.
The Castor Bean was finally really blooming. I was hoping for some seeds.
The Castor Bean was finally really blooming. I was hoping for some seeds.

I want more of these next year....even taller and fuller. I bought these as transplants, at a garden show. I just don't remember which booth.
The above picture was taken the day before Thanksgiving....80 degrees Fahrenheit. On Thanksgiving Day, as we drove to our son's home, the temperature dropped 25 degrees in 15 miles!
The next morning was 20F....and, this is how the Castor Bean looks now.
The pretty red pom poms are brown.
I saved them. I'm hoping they have some good seeds inside. I'm not too sure what to do with them. Do you know?
I just might have to remember where I got the ones this year.
HOPE, is what keeps gardeners coming back for more.
Happy Gardening...