Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Blooms and Foliage…

hyacinth bean 2
Hyacinth Bean
Late again.  I missed both the Garden Bloggers Bloomday and the Foliage Follow-up day.  But, I thought I’d show up, anyway.
It’s been hot…..and dry.  This time of year, in Central Texas, there isn’t much blooming.  This month has the usual suspects.

The bougainvillea likes the heat.

butterfly weed 2
So does the Butterfly Weed.

‘Seniorita Rosalita’ Cleome is still going strong.  She’s been a real performer.  I’ll be getting another one, next year.
coral impatiens
The impatiens are happy, as long as they get enough to drink.

diamond frost
This is the only ‘Diamond Frost’ euphorbia that survived the deer attack.  It’s doing well.

Periwinkle is a good performer.  It can stand the heat and THE DEER DON’T LIKE IT.

snow on the mountain
Another one the deer don’t like.  This is a euphorbia that grows wild in the meadow and along the creek.  It’s ‘Snow on the Mountain’.  A pretty flower, and about the only thing that was alive out there last year.

inland seaoats
Foliage is pretty much the same as last month, too.  The Inland Seaoats are looking good.

cuban oregano
I really like the Cuban Oregano.  This stuff is super easy to propagate from cuttings.

lamb's ear
Good old standby Lamb’s Ear is hanging in there.  Some out by the back gate was destroyed  by Armadillos.
It’s a constant battle with wildlife here.

castor bean
The Castor Bean is growing.  It’s way behind some others I’ve seen.  I hope it blooms and I get seeds for next year.

caladium 2
This is my favorite caladium.  I don’t know if these will hold over for next year, or if I’ll have to replant .  I’m hoping they hold over, and I can just add to them, next spring.

primrose jasmine
There is a lot more going on here.  But, that can wait for another day.
I’ll leave you with a picture of Rose Jasmine.  Inside that huge mass, are electricity meters and a power box.  Years ago, our neighbor Elli planted these to hide those things along the property line.  It worked.
These plants are popular in this neighborhood.  They’re evergreen, and
Some of my favorite kind of plants.
If you'd like to see more Garden Bloggers Bloomday posts, visit Carol at May Dreams Garden. And, for more Foliage Follow-up, visit Pam at Digging.



  1. Grr, armadillos. And grr, deer. I didn't know deer would eat a euphorbia, but I guess 'Diamond Frost' was too pretty to resist. Your 'Senorita Rosalita' cleome looks great. Two of mine performed poorly this year, although I still have one out front that looks good. And the deer don't like it!

  2. Hi Linda, I can't imagine contending with armadillos. Deer on the other hand.... :)

    Lots of beautiful flowers in bloom in your garden. I love the sea oats and the Snow on the mountain. I should grow it again. It's been a few years now.

    Rose Jasmine cascading over the utility mass is just goregous. I love it. I want it.


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