We have the fenced veggie garden. We even put deer netting along one side, with a contraption of tomato cages to keep it away from the fence. That way, the beans and peas and cucumbers can climb up the fence.
Things are hanging on by a thread in there, with this heat. But, the cucumbers are still making.
The plants aren't as nice as last month.
But, they were better than this:
It took some doing, but the deer netting got torn and the cucumbers on the outside of the fence got chomped!

was attached to this. With some good-sized cucumbers.
At first, I thought it had to be some kind of catapillar. I wasn't sure I wanted to see something big enough to do this damage....all those leaves...all those cucumbers. But, there's the fence...and there's the netting...and I spray along the outside of the netting with 'Deer Fence' pretty regularly.
But, then we found the tear in the netting. Had to be a deer.
Then, this morning.....more chomping. The cannas in the pot by the garden have been chomped....again. They left the ones on the other side of the house alone. But.....
Now, Gazania is 'deer resistant'.....and, silly me, I thought it was true. This has been there for several weeks. Not the best place...it needs more sun. But, it hadn't been touched by the deer. Oh well....I replanted it and hope it comes back.
I made a double-strong batch of the deer fence. (I now buy it in concentrate to make by the gallon.) And now, the whole place reeks of the stuff. EVERYthing has been sprayed.....again.
I'll just have to be more diligent with the spray. It seems to work. We just have to apply it more often than the label says....and, especially after watering, if it gets washed off....or, in case it ever actually rains again.
Thanks for listening to my tales of woe. I'm sure there will be more. We've just started this gardening among the limestone and deer.