Monday, February 11, 2013

A Chance of Rain....

The rumble of thunder woke us up this morning.
We'd had a chilly mist, most of the weekend.

But, when I went out for the paper, there was no rain coming down.

Soon, there was sun, slanting across the golf course.

Drats!  Had it missed us?  Again?

Then, the clouds and rumbles came back.


It seems to be coming through in waves.  Not much.  We won't get TOO excited.
But, we haven't had rain here at Patchwork Garden, for weeks.

We'll all just hunker down, and be glad for what we get.

Hope you're getting the weather you want.

Happy Gardening...


  1. I love the picture of the deer! We've had a lot of cold, rain, gloom and wind. It's the gloom and wind that I really dislike! I'd love to see some sunshine!

  2. The color of the light this morning is amazing. The rumbles of thunder woke me up this morning but the rain went north after a brief shower. We are alternating clouds and sunshine now.

  3. Hope you got enough rain to see you through. We have been having storms and rain over here.

  4. Rain in Conroe too. But the yard is ugly and brown. Ready for Spring. Have a great week, Carol


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