Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Yes...We've Been Away....

It's been along time, since we last met.

Last time, I showed you some nice new growth in the garden.
I was worried it was coming out too early.
I was right.

While we were gone, we had some cold weather.
How cold, I don't know.  But, it burned back things that had made it through
24 degree mornings in winter.

Where were we?

Well...headed west.  We had lovely weather that first day...lol

Saguaro National Park, Tuscon, AZ

But, we soon came out into the sun.
We were taking our time, getting to our destination...
seeing places we'd never seen before.

Closer and closer....the Pacific awaits us.

I just happened to look out the hotel window, as our ship came in.

We boarded and sailed away to Hawaii.

I'll have more on that later.

Meanwhile, back at home, the weeds and rye grass were getting a good hold.
The joys of living on a golf course.

I'm making some progress.  It's slow going.  There is a lot of grass.

But, I think Spring has sprung.
Time for new beginnings, in the garden.

Life is good.

Hope all is good where you are, too.

Happy Gardening...


  1. Welcome home! I am happy to see you had a lot of Lovely on your trip, but happy also to have you safely back home and in your garden and on these pages.

    Speaking of a welcome, boy howdy, that is a lot of stoop labor that bed handed you as a welcome home present! Your garden's way of letting you know you are necessary, maybe? That you are missed as integral to the way your spaces reflect something other than the golf course monoculture. Looks like we are all (plants and people) happy to have you back!

    1. Thanks, Deb. We did have a lot of Lovely on our trip.

      That bed is just one that's bad. One in the back is so bad, it'll be like creating it all over again. Ugh...

  2. The weeds are totally taking over my garden. I could really use a trip to Hawaii right about now, but I'll have to wait to 2016. We're looking at taking that same cruise on Princess. I hate to fly, so Hawaii by ship is the perfect option. How did you like it?

    1. I hate flying, too. Driving out and sailing was a good answer.

      We had a great time. We were on the Grand Princess. Very nice. Lots of Hawaiian info at lectures, on the way over. I learned a lot.

  3. You made a lovely trip I see, looking forward to see the pictures of Hawaii. But your garden is looking great too, are these bearded Irises already blooming?

  4. Oh man, a cruise to Hawaii - how awesome!

  5. Your trip sounds amazing. It is fun (and scary) to come back to changes in the garden. Good job on your weeding progress - it is tedious work, but always looks so great after it is done. And your irises look beautiful! I especially love the white ones.


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